Six Types of Motivation!

Dear friends, I had one of these WooHoo moments earlier this week! Something that opened my eyes so wide, I was able to see from here to Timbuktu! It knocked me off my seat (OK, not really) and my whole life made sense to me!Wow, this was profound!Are you ready?I am talking motivation! We all get motivated…
How To Find Your Passion

Do what you love doing and live well because of it! Become a Passionpreneur! Live your dream! Follow your heart! Great taglines! Each and every one is easy to achieve if we know exactly what it is we are passionate about! It sure can be frustrating if the whole world is filled with passionate, fully…
Make a Splash!

You want to make a splash? You want to make a (positive ) impact in the world we live in? You want to make an impact in your corner of the globe? Stand for something! Use the right words (your right words) to express who you are and what you want ! What do…
Let Your Man Be a Man – again!

The modern man is going through difficult times these days. Right, left and in front of him we women are taking over. Not only are we as educated (if not better and higher) than he is, we are taking over his domain of jobs, sports and recreation! We can pay for our own dinners,…
Motherpreneurs: BE Your Own Inspiration!

We matured from being a mom of small kids to mature mothers. We survived sore nipples, sleepless nights, ‘not-tonight-honey’! We stressed about last minute costume creations (’cause we forgotten about this particular school event)! We created countless lunches! We drove for miles to purchase hypoallergenic laundry detergent! We graduated! Our children don’t need us…
A Fool Proof Method To Kiss Any Excuse Goodbye!

“Kiss Your Excuses Goodbye!” Who doesn’t like this tagline? Who doesn’t like kissing? Now, honestly? Smootch it any way you like, smack it on your lips, with your hands or as a blow! Kissing is the way to go! As you might know this is the credo for The Motherpreneur and the theme for Motherpreneur…
Caring Too Much about What Others Might Be Thinking of YOU?

Do you expect me to say “Worrying, what a waste of precious time – Life is too short, go for it! What a waste of your talent. One day you are going to regret not having acted. One day – it’s too late?” Ladiladala! All of these are correct, for sure! But the real reason,…
5 Reasons To Go After our Dreams

There was only one man I ever wanted to get married to! Winnetou, the bravest of the Apache Chiefs. It was love at first sight. From the moment I watched the Winnetou series on TV I was hooked! I knew he was the one for me! There was no doubt in my mind I…
What To Do when having High Expectations Stresses You Out!

For as long as I remember my dad has never, ever actively supported me in in the pursuit of my ‘dreams! On the contrary, he always did his best to discourage me! Finally, after years of non parental cheerleading I asked him- and his answer? It might surprise you: “I don’t want to encourage you…
KISS FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Goodbye!

This morning I had over 1000 unread messages in my secondary email account! WooPee- My heart started to go faster- not in a panicky- but in a more exciting kinda’ beat! The Motherpreneur made it! These must be notes from my raving fans from across the globe! Or so I thought! And beat it Christina,…
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