For many many years I promised myself to go and see Michael Jackson in concert! I always said to myself, one day I will be there, one day, another time!
You and I both know Oneday is not a day of the week. Oneday for me and Michael never happened. And sadly enough it never will happen – ever!
There is another legend I wanted to see live in concert- for like, ever. It is no other than Madonna!
A woman who made bad-assery, unapologeticness and girl-power popular before these terms became buzzing household names!
Please, don’t get me wrong, I don’t see Ms Ciccone disappearing any time soon; all I’m saying is, there is no better time than now to see a superstar live in concert! Especially if she happens to play in your new home town.
I am not a super fan who knows her life inside and out (however, I know the names of her ex-husbands and her four kidos) I am not a super fan who can sing along to every single song (Like a prayer perhaps, or Material Girl). Nor do I know how many men she had sex with (interesting question that is, do you know the answer)? I like her. She has all the characteristics I wish I had more of. For example, she is more rebel, I’m more heart!
So instead of spending my household allowance on a much needed new cooking set – I purchased concert tickets for her Rebel Heart Show instead!
As I said, The Best Man of All (aka husband) and I are not super fans, nor are we regular concert goers!
Imagine our surprise when her Highness opened up the Vancouver leg of her world tour at 9.45pm instead of 8pm!
I had that sneaky feeling she would never ever sing in front of a nearly empty arena. Because this is what Rogers Arena looked like at 8 pm when we arrived! It must have been all the other Germans who showed up on time!
Anyway, we were entertained by a fancy light show and some serious disco tunes mixed by DJ Diplo.
M started her extravaganza exactly at the time I wanted to go home …but I already mentioned this to you.
Bt no hard feelings here. The show was fantastic!
After all these years Madonna has perfected the art of entertainment-ship. She can dance, talk, play the guitar, the ukulele, sang La vie en Rose in French, chatted with her audience, gave us what we came for: A feat for eyes and ears.
Madonna is so the ultimate Motherpreneur. If there is a club for us I would honour her with an honourary membership!
She is the living example to women who are tortured by self doubt of not being good enough!
She is showing us
– You don’t need to be a natural born singer to make a name for yourself in showbiz.
– Hard work, dedication and perseverance make up for any lack of skills you might have.
– Believe in yourself, believe in your mission. Believe in your vision and go for it.
– Become a Kisser of your Excuses goodbye. Just because it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean it can’t be done!
– Don’t follow the crowd. Let the crowd follow you!
– Age is just a number- and don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise!
and most of all, she really doesn’t care about what others might be thinking of her- or does she?
There is a Rebel Heart in all of us- sometimes it’s more rebel, sometimes it’s more heart!
In case of Madonna, she strikes the perfect pose!
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