Bitch, She’s Madonna….and she’s a great Kisser

For many many years I promised myself to go and see Michael Jackson in concert! I always said to myself, one day I will be there, one day, another time!

You and I both know Oneday is not a day of the week. Oneday for me and Michael never happened. And sadly enough it never will happen – ever!

There is another legend I wanted to see live in concert- for like, ever. It is no other than Madonna!

A woman who made bad-assery, unapologeticness and girl-power popular before these terms became buzzing household names!

Please, don’t get me wrong, I don’t see Ms Ciccone disappearing any time soon; all I’m saying is, there is no better time than now to see a superstar live in concert! Especially if she happens to play in your new home town.

I am not a super fan who knows her life inside and out (however, I know the names of her ex-husbands and her four kidos) I am not a super fan who can sing along to every  single song (Like a prayer perhaps, or Material Girl). Nor do I know how many men she had sex with (interesting question that is, do you know the answer)? I like her. She has all the characteristics I wish I had more of. For example, she is more rebel, I’m more heart!

So instead of spending my household allowance on a much needed new cooking set – I purchased concert tickets for her Rebel Heart Show instead!


As I said, The Best Man of All (aka husband) and I are not super fans, nor are we regular concert goers!

Imagine our surprise when her Highness opened up the Vancouver leg of her world tour at 9.45pm instead of 8pm!

I had that sneaky feeling she would never ever sing in front of a nearly empty arena. Because this is what Rogers Arena looked like at 8 pm when we arrived! It must have been all the other Germans who showed up on time!

Anyway, we  were entertained by a fancy light show  and some serious disco tunes mixed by DJ Diplo.

only spot lights

M started her extravaganza exactly at the time I wanted to go home …but I already mentioned this to you.

great guitar

Bt no hard feelings here. The show was fantastic!


After all these years Madonna has perfected the art of entertainment-ship. She can dance, talk, play the guitar, the ukulele, sang La vie en Rose in French, chatted with her audience, gave us what we came for: A feat for eyes and ears.

Madonna is so the ultimate Motherpreneur. If there is a club for us I would honour her with an  honourary membership!

She is the living example to  women who are tortured by self doubt of not being good enough!

She is showing us

You don’t need to be a natural born singer to make a name for yourself in showbiz.

– Hard work, dedication and perseverance make up for any lack of skills you might have.

– Believe in yourself, believe in your mission. Believe in your vision and go for it.

– Become a Kisser of your Excuses goodbye. Just because it hasn’t been done before doesn’t mean it can’t be done!

– Don’t follow the crowd. Let the crowd follow you!

– Age is just a number- and don’t let anybody else tell you otherwise!

and most of all, she really doesn’t care about what others might be thinking of her- or does she?

There is a Rebel Heart in all of us- sometimes it’s more rebel, sometimes it’s more heart!

In case of Madonna, she strikes the perfect pose!




About The Author

christina Waschko

Life hacks to create more fun and adventure in our private and business life! It all starts with a Kiss of our Excuses Goodbye! I raise my glass to the rise of Yes Girls- the creators of a category of one!

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