When it comes to selling our product or services to the world we are surrounded by like minded, super talented, sophisticated, knowledgeable, up-to-date, friendly and good looking frenemies!
Let me take it one step further: if everybody uses the same software, the same marketing slogans, clever copy, fabulous images, videos, an opt-in page and a well designed website – how exactly can we set ourselves apart from the crowd of professionals in our field?
“Good question Christina- I hear you saying- this is exactly what I was wondering about!”
See, I knew this would interest you.
Here is a short list of tried and tested, very simple action steps to do just that! And no worries, they don’t cost money and you don’t need to have experiences either.
Always, always, concentrate on the small stuff!
In business and in life it’s the small, over looked and undervalued action that puts the extra into ordinary!
For example,
Opening Hours/Hours of operation:
Be available longer and / or earlier. Get known for operating in the evening, for answering your phone until 9 pm, for being open/ available during the weekend.
Are you dealing with families?
Offer a child service at your office or at least have toys, books, colouring material or even computer game standing by to keep the children happy and occupied!. The golden rule is:
Happy Children = Happy parents! I know that doesn’t rhyme, but you get my point!
Our accountant offers a lunch’n learn session: We take him out to lunch and are allowed to ask him any questions we need/want to in regards to our tax affairs. And all it costs us is the lunch!
Show your clients/customers you really listen to them. Ask personal questions throughout your conversations and surprise them with something they love, treasure and appreciate. And yes, not everybody loves or drinks coffee from a coffee giant. Not everybody likes Itunes either, just saying!
Just because the current trend is gluten free, organically grown your clients necessarily like it. A freshly baked apple tart made with real butter and eggs beats one of these modern sugar free, avocado/dark chocolate vegan products any day!
You get the idea with the small stuff!
Now add to this two of your unique personality traits and you have a winner on your hands. As soon as you combine these two you are selling value- otherwise you are selling a commodity– just like so many others.
And little did I know about these two ideas when I opened Strawberry Lounge! You can read about it over here!
Take a look at this business consultant, Janice Martin, she is a total original:
Are you a hippy, a rock star, a mother, a nerd, an adventurer, a father, a foodie, a techno lover, a traveler…deep down in your heart? Whatever it is, use this feature, say it out loud.
Promote yourself as such!
Are you plain spoken, direct, fun, thorough, highly educated, very experienced, no-nonsense, energetic, action oriented, older, young, determined, passionate, divorced, married, creative or spontanuous?
Add this to your description!
In my case it sounds like this: Christina, high energy, action oriented Take-Action consultant!
What will it sound like in your life?
Fill in the blank:
(Your name)———————–, ——————-,—————————— (your title)———————–!
And voila- just like this- you created the golden formula to setting yourself apart!
And before I let you go, please remember, everybody can get a bank loan – everybody can spend money on a flashy car, a suit or even a fancy office. EVERYBODY can do this! What not many people are willing to do is making personal sacrifices to add the small stuff to their business!
And this dear friend, is the essence of a successful business!
What are your ideas of making your business stand out from the crowd? Don’t be shy, share them here! We all appreciate your pearls of wisdom! Thanks for sharing!
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