SCREW SUCCESS – Let’s become Successful!

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder- and so is success!

Or not?

We are successful if we earn a lot of money, aren’t we?  If we have a huge readership, if our restaurant (or any other shop ) is full, if we live in the big house, drive that amazing car, send our children to private school, if we are married to the ‘good catch”…etc, etc? Hmm, if this is what success is all about I must be one of the most unsuccessful woman you’ve ever meet! If I compare myself to this list I am a loser! Apart from the last bit that is. The best man of all (my husband) is a great catch…

Whenever I tackle one of my big, fat dreams to make them a reality I go through a period of feeling totally and utterly unsuccessful. Sure, I was proud of myself of investing time, energy and money to become either the fitness instructor I always wanted be be, the coffee shop owner I dreamed about for 17 long years, the book author, the blogger, the writer and now, the talk show hostess! Feeling proud- yes for sure! Feeling successful? No way hosey! Because I never ever made the big bucks expected of a successful entrepreneur! But then, how much is big bucks I hear you asking? Well, that depends on your definition of big bucks and your definition of being successful.

And this is what success is all about: It is our own personal definition of what success is, looks and feels like to you!

Here are my 3 attitude changing ideas that turned me from feeling like a loser (according to what our culture, education and media is telling us) into a highly successful power woman:

No more comparison to others

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If I keep on comparing myself to the elite in my field, to the more experienced, more talented, more beautiful, better connected, taller, richer kick-ass women, I fall right back into my depression mood! Decision: Be inspired by others but never ever thrive to be the next…There is no ‘ The next Oprah’ (she is one of a kind), there is only ‘The first Christina'(she is one of a kind).

Always be prepared but stop expecting grand things!

Whenever I started something new in my life I honestly expected the whole world – to queue up to take part in my fitness classes, queue up to drink coffee at my coffee shop, read my blog posts, read my book or watch my videos. Oh what disappointment when that didn’t happen! Today I am going with the flow. I always put 150% effort into everything I do (aka, no regrets) but I stopped expecting a huge outcome. It’s so much better for my sleep, my well being and general state of mind. And more and more the miracles happen!  (Ok, I do share, mingle, network, chat, and do everything to spread the message. But once again, with no expectations attached).

Changed my personal  definition of what success is, looks and feels like to me!

I didn’t make lots of money? Snap out of ‘success mode’ Christina: Screw this definition of success and concentrate on what you are really good at:

Make your participants or guests feel special and spoil them.  Make everybody smile who reads your articles or watches your videos. Bask in the wonderful feeling of reaching out and to be in a position to share your vast amount of wisdom, experience and knowledge. It is a compliment that peoiple are seeking you out; they want to be with you and with nobody else. There are hundreds of classes on offer, thousands of coffee shops around, millions of articles written every day, hundred of thousands of videos uploaded on a daily basis- and there are wonderful individuals who are seeking you out!!!!” WOW! Thank you! I am truly honoured and grateful.

In a nutshell:

Success to me is being able to live my dreams.”

Success is having a great relationship with The best man of all and our kids.

Success is being able to make a difference in the world. 

Success is ‘being able to say “Screw it, I do it my way!”

And I know you want to know about the money: Yes, I made money as soon as I applied the Christina rules!

Can you relate to ‘being or feeling ‘totally and utterly unsuccessful? Do you have your own personal definition of what success is, looks and feels like to you? Please share your words with wisdom with us! Thanks. I look forward to connecting!




About The Author

christina Waschko

Life hacks to create more fun and adventure in our private and business life! It all starts with a Kiss of our Excuses Goodbye! I raise my glass to the rise of Yes Girls- the creators of a category of one!

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