Falling in Love…

…with yourself, all over again! When my video friends (clients) watch themselves for the first time on the ‘big’ screen they are either totally at ease with themselves or they’re like: “Uh, this is what I sound like? I had no idea my mouth is so crocked. OMG, I look so old, can you take…

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But, Others will be Talking about Me…

It’s decision time! And as always my alter ego, the adventurous YES girl is yearning to go for it! The other half, the more sensible one, the good girl, the mother, my Germaness is wanting to pull the brakes: “Don’t you dare Christina. Your neighbours/friends/kids/Best Man of All (husband)/aquaintances/ won’t like it, they will be…

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My Favourite Pick-Me-Ups

A picture says more than a thousand words! And a few facebook posts can say more than a long, long blog post. Let’s keep it short’n sweet. Here are my favourite posts from The Motherpreneur facebook page! These are great reminders for everyday living.                      …

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You Don’t Need Experiences To Go After Your Dream!

Being pregnant gives you lots to look forward to and lots to worry about! Nineteen years ago, during the pregnancy of our first son, there was no google- there was no internet! We waddled to the library and read”What to expect when you’re expecting!” The only thing I was really worried about was the delivery,…

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