You Don’t Need Experiences To Go After Your Dream!

Being pregnant gives you lots to look forward to and lots to worry about! Nineteen years ago, during the pregnancy of our first son, there was no google- there was no internet! We waddled to the library and read”What to expect when you’re expecting!” The only thing I was really worried about was the delivery, how much would that hurt?

Enter pregnancy number three, 12 years ago. And this time around I didn’t leave the house for  information! From the comfort of my arm chair I googled everyrhing and anything I could find under the term pregnancy, fetus development, underdevelopment, most common causes of fetal death, eating habits, required vitamin intake for mother and baby, pregnancy in older women (I was 37 then)…

When my mom came to visit she only shook her head and said:” You modern women know too much! That’s why you worry so much – too much!”

Point taken. (All our three boys were born healthy)!

Fast forward a few years: I just opened up my dream project, Strawberry Lounge, a swanky little, family friendly coffee shop in The Netherlands.


This was my dream- I put my life as we knew it on hold for this venture! Did I knew anything about business? Not at all! Did I succeed? You bet I did!

Why? Because I didn’t know “how to”! Sure, I had my certifications! I knew about the laws and regulations in regards to the hospitality industry! But everything else was new territory for me! I didn’t compare , I didn’t drive myself crazy with Should do’s, should makes or  have to’s!

All I did was –  do! I did what felt right to me and darned the consequences! Strawberry Lounge became a huge success.

Meet Marilyn R. Wilson, one of the fabulous mothers I had the privilege interviewing for Motherpreneur TV!  She gave me her time. She opened her heart!


I love Marilyn and her story! It is similar to mine!

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Eleven years ago she started a journey that brought her to the forefront of the Vancouver fashion world. She started as a contributor to various fashion magazines. She became an editor, blogger and now, published book author, Life Outside the Box, The Journeys of 10 extraordinary Individuals.

This mother of three knew nothing about writing, taking photos, editing, dead lines, fashion or the fashion scene! Today she is the unofficial queen of the Vancouver Fashion Week!


And all because she took the plunge. She was fueled by desire to interview others. She wanted to succeed. She didn’t compare. She didn’t valuated- all she did was, do!

Having no experience is a blessing in disguise. It makes us stand out because we don’t follow a trend. We don’t follow the herd! All we do is do. We do to the best of what we know and with what we have – and succeed!

Take time out of your schedule today and listen to what Marilyn has to say about finding ones life journey, about being older, about being a mother and learning on the job! Enjoy to the fullest!


Have you ever made a bold life – or career move? If so, what did you do? And most importantly, how did you do it? Thanks for sharing!

xoxo Christina

About The Author

christina Waschko

Life hacks to create more fun and adventure in our private and business life! It all starts with a Kiss of our Excuses Goodbye! I raise my glass to the rise of Yes Girls- the creators of a category of one!

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