52 New Experiences in 2019

My list of 52 New Experiences is a yearly compilation of all things new: Everyday or weekly acts or ‘never done before’ that brightened up my year.  Over the years it became a conscious decision to go for the unknown; in all aspects of my life. I’ll share this list with you not to impress…

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52 New Experiences in 2017

Every year I make myself the promise to create at least 52 New Experiences in my life to add some wow moments to my daily existence. Every time I experience something new (even the slightest thing) I scribble it on a big piece of cardboard which is stored away in my office. At the beginning of…

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52 New Experiences – Better than any Resolutions you May Have

We all want to live the grand life! We want to escape the same-old-same-old! We want to add spice not only to our daily meals- we want to add spice to our daily/weekly/monthly life! Year in and year out! Jumping over our own shadows, conquering inner demons, outshining any Christmas decoration, saying YES  even if…

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New York New York

It has been roughly 20 years since I first peed my pants laughing so hard while watching Kevin defend the family castle. Home Alone has become our must watch Christmas family movie – to the dismay of our boys (Not again!) If Home Alone is to blame for my hearty belly laughs, the second one,…

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