Falling in Love…

…with yourself, all over again! When my video friends (clients) watch themselves for the first time on the ‘big’ screen they are either totally at ease with themselves or they’re like: “Uh, this is what I sound like? I had no idea my mouth is so crocked. OMG, I look so old, can you take…

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52 New Experiences in 2017

Every year I make myself the promise to create at least 52 New Experiences in my life to add some wow moments to my daily existence. Every time I experience something new (even the slightest thing) I scribble it on a big piece of cardboard which is stored away in my office. At the beginning of…

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But, Others will be Talking about Me…

It’s decision time! And as always my alter ego, the adventurous YES girl is yearning to go for it! The other half, the more sensible one, the good girl, the mother, my Germaness is wanting to pull the brakes: “Don’t you dare Christina. Your neighbours/friends/kids/Best Man of All (husband)/aquaintances/ won’t like it, they will be…

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How to Kiss ‘I Can’t Afford It’ Goodbye

  It’s soul crushing! It makes me feel inadequate! Non-deserving! Poor! Yes, that’s what it is! Using I can’t afford it makes me feel poor! I don’t know about you, but this is how I feel whenever I use this evil four word sentence! You can call me lots of things. Like tight ass (literally), passionate,…

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My Favourite Pick-Me-Ups

A picture says more than a thousand words! And a few facebook posts can say more than a long, long blog post. Let’s keep it short’n sweet. Here are my favourite posts from The Motherpreneur facebook page! These are great reminders for everyday living.                      …

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How to Find Your Core….Values

  For most of my five decades on the planet my life was good! Wrong! It was fantastic! It was ‘easy’ for lack of a better word! I went through the motion, lived life on my terms; there was no headache involved, no frustration, no big questions to be answered, no worries to worry about!…

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Six Types of Motivation!

Dear friends, I had one of these WooHoo moments earlier this week! Something that opened my eyes so wide, I was able to see from here to Timbuktu! It knocked me off my seat (OK, not really) and my whole life made sense to me!Wow, this was profound!Are you ready?I am talking motivation! We all get motivated…

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