But, Others will be Talking about Me…

It’s decision time! And as always my alter ego, the adventurous YES girl is yearning to go for it! The other half, the more sensible one, the good girl, the mother, my Germaness is wanting to pull the brakes: “Don’t you dare Christina. Your neighbours/friends/kids/Best Man of All (husband)/aquaintances/ won’t like it, they will be…
New York New York
It has been roughly 20 years since I first peed my pants laughing so hard while watching Kevin defend the family castle. Home Alone has become our must watch Christmas family movie – to the dismay of our boys (Not again!) If Home Alone is to blame for my hearty belly laughs, the second one,…
Let Your Man Be a Man – again!

The modern man is going through difficult times these days. Right, left and in front of him we women are taking over. Not only are we as educated (if not better and higher) than he is, we are taking over his domain of jobs, sports and recreation! We can pay for our own dinners,…
Motherpreneurs: BE Your Own Inspiration!

We matured from being a mom of small kids to mature mothers. We survived sore nipples, sleepless nights, ‘not-tonight-honey’! We stressed about last minute costume creations (’cause we forgotten about this particular school event)! We created countless lunches! We drove for miles to purchase hypoallergenic laundry detergent! We graduated! Our children don’t need us…
KISS FOMO (Fear of Missing Out) Goodbye!

This morning I had over 1000 unread messages in my secondary email account! WooPee- My heart started to go faster- not in a panicky- but in a more exciting kinda’ beat! The Motherpreneur made it! These must be notes from my raving fans from across the globe! Or so I thought! And beat it Christina,…
Why You Should Become a YES Girl (hint: It’s Fun & Exciting)!

Welcome to the modern woman’s/ mothers world of being over worked, under valued, over stressed, tired, and exhausted! Welcome to the modern woman’s world of many wants, wishes and dreams! And too little time! Too little time for the real important things in life like new adventures, hot bubble baths, sex, roasting marshmallows, reading books,…
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