52 New Experiences in 2017
Every year I make myself the promise to create at least 52 New Experiences in my life to add some wow moments to my daily existence. Every time I experience something new (even the slightest thing) I scribble it on a big piece of cardboard which is stored away in my office. At the beginning of…
But, Others will be Talking about Me…
It’s decision time! And as always my alter ego, the adventurous YES girl is yearning to go for it! The other half, the more sensible one, the good girl, the mother, my Germaness is wanting to pull the brakes: “Don’t you dare Christina. Your neighbours/friends/kids/Best Man of All (husband)/aquaintances/ won’t like it, they will be…
Who Your True Customer Is
Hi there, have you ever done an ‘ideal client profile?’ Like the one the experts in the industry are telling us to do? The one where we identify exactly whom we want to help, serve (great word!), inspire, motivate, style, paint, teach etc.? Because ‘if we’re for everybody you’re for nobody?’ Yes? No? If you don’t…
52 New Experiences – Better than any Resolutions you May Have
We all want to live the grand life! We want to escape the same-old-same-old! We want to add spice not only to our daily meals- we want to add spice to our daily/weekly/monthly life! Year in and year out! Jumping over our own shadows, conquering inner demons, outshining any Christmas decoration, saying YES even if…
My Favourite Pick-Me-Ups
A picture says more than a thousand words! And a few facebook posts can say more than a long, long blog post. Let’s keep it short’n sweet. Here are my favourite posts from The Motherpreneur facebook page! These are great reminders for everyday living. …
Six Types of Motivation!
Dear friends, I had one of these WooHoo moments earlier this week! Something that opened my eyes so wide, I was able to see from here to Timbuktu! It knocked me off my seat (OK, not really) and my whole life made sense to me!Wow, this was profound!Are you ready?I am talking motivation! We all get motivated…
How To Find Your Passion
Do what you love doing and live well because of it! Become a Passionpreneur! Live your dream! Follow your heart! Great taglines! Each and every one is easy to achieve if we know exactly what it is we are passionate about! It sure can be frustrating if the whole world is filled with passionate, fully…
Make a Splash!
You want to make a splash? You want to make a (positive ) impact in the world we live in? You want to make an impact in your corner of the globe? Stand for something! Use the right words (your right words) to express who you are and what you want ! What do…
Let Your Man Be a Man – again!
The modern man is going through difficult times these days. Right, left and in front of him we women are taking over. Not only are we as educated (if not better and higher) than he is, we are taking over his domain of jobs, sports and recreation! We can pay for our own dinners,…
Motherpreneurs: BE Your Own Inspiration!
We matured from being a mom of small kids to mature mothers. We survived sore nipples, sleepless nights, ‘not-tonight-honey’! We stressed about last minute costume creations (’cause we forgotten about this particular school event)! We created countless lunches! We drove for miles to purchase hypoallergenic laundry detergent! We graduated! Our children don’t need us…
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